Friday, 9 January 2015

How to Get a Flat Stomach As a Girl

No girl wants to have a large, bloated, and unattractive stomach. Here's how to fix that problem. Anyone can get a flat stomach, but only if they're dedicated to working for it.
Eat a protein-rich snack during the "magic hour". You must eat a protein-rich snack between 3:00 and 4:00 PM. Go for a protein bar, a piece of low-fat cheese, an apple, or some nuts. No matter what, do not miss this snack time; it's important because it boosts metabolism and balances blood sugar. The lower you keep your blood sugar, the lower you keep your insulin. Insulin makes you store fat around your middle. Eating every three to four hours will help balance blood sugar and help you get a flat tummy. Well, as long as the foods are healthy.

Chew your food. Chewing is a very important thing to remember. It prevents bloating and helps you to digest your food much easier. You need to chew your food until it is the consistency of applesauce. Without proper chewing, digestion is messed up and you will most likely be left with gas and bloating.

Don't forget the cardio! There's no use in doing your crunches when you've got a layer of fat obstructing your abdominals from everybody's view. Do a minimum of 20 minutes of cardio that will burn the fat covering up your abs.

Avoid too much salt. It will retain water and make you appear bloated. You can't live without any salt whatsoever in your diet, so replace regular salt with sea salt or Himalayan salt.

Avoid the whites. Are you eating mostly whites such as white pasta and white bread? If so, you're going to be bloated. This time, you'll stay that way. These are refined carbs; they automatically spike blood sugar and slow metabolism. And that means bloating, bloating, and more bloating!

Crack a joke! Every time you laugh, your abdominals are getting a great workout!

Quit stressing out! Stress slows digestion down which in turn makes you bloated, nauseated, and feeling horrible.

Follow me on Twitter @oviax_oviarobo 

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