Monday, 10 November 2014

Texas Doctor Held at Gunpoint Offers His Robbers a Free College Education If They Turn Themselves In

Dr. Victor Ho was robbed at gunpoint on Oct. 17 in Bunker Hill Village, Texas. Instead of being angry, he is offering the robbers a free college education if they turn themselves in.
Ho understands that the system is flawed and he realizes that the two robbers could easily become longtime members of the prison system. As a wealthy emergency room physician, Ho feels he has the ability to make a difference in their lives and he has offered the two robbers a free college education.
“This is not something to reward someone who has committed a crime,” Ho said. “This is pointing at society and trying to say, ‘listen, we need to get this element out’ and what’s the best way? Education, education. That’s where I am today and I push that to all my kids.”
Ho originally walked into the robbery as it was in progress. His two kids, 13, and 3, were unharmed. The robbers demanded that he open his safe, he complied.
“When you got a gun to your head, you make the decision and open the safe,” he told “Fox & Friends.”
However, he noticed that the robbers were incredibly nervous and speaking in Spanish.
“I could tell he was shaking while he was holding me,” Ho said. “That’s the person I’m targeting this for, get an education.”

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